Summer Goth reading & ritual performance

Ann Street Gallery, Newburgh, NY / July 10, 2021
A live reading of the Summer Goth text, interwoven with a performative ritual and installation.
The performance space is an implied graveyard made using cut flowers, a slab of marble on the floor, small rocks, and two candelabras. The open/flat linearity of the wide floor, and the black wall, speak to the energy of a contracting and expanding rural cemetery landscape.
Land acknowledgement: the Western New York lands I write about in the text are traditional Hodinöhsö:ni’ & Seneca lands (you might know them as their French name “Iroquois” — a colonialist linguistic imposition.) Some of the greenery was wild harvested from the banks of the Hudson River (reed and day lily); these are traditionally indigenous Munsee Lenape lands.